The UPM factory began operations in Fray Bentos, Uruguay, in November 2007 and is located on the banks of the Uruguay River, 4 kilometers east of the city of Fray Bentos. Its production capacity is 1.1 million tons of bleached cellulose of short eucalyptus fibre.
The pulp of cellulose is shipped by barge from the factory to the deep-water port of Nueva Palmira for loading on transatlantic ships bound for Europe and Asia.
During the maintenance shutdown of the plant in October 2010, ALIANZA was contracted to repair the four barges that transport cellulose along the Uruguay River. In order to carry out these works in compliance with the strict safety standards of the UPM plant, ALIANZA’s personnel was trained in “Occupational safety and hot work”.
In this way, and in a record time of 7 days, the damaged structure of the bow blocks of barges TFF1, TFF2, TFF3 and TFF4 was repaired and maintenance work was carried out on the Catalina pusher.
UPM, Montes del Plata
Year 2007
Repairing damaged structure of the bow blocks of the barges TFF1, TFF2, TFF3 and TFF4, maintenance on the pusher “Catalina”.